- Program Director: Tobias S. Kohler, MD, MPH
Fellowship Overview
Our one-year fellowship provides advanced clinical and surgical training inall aspects of andrology and men's sexual health. Fellows will participate in Mayo Clinic's preceptorship model, working one on one with each of the fellowship core faculty during each two-month rotation. There is some flexibilty for fellows who desire more/less exposure to certain aspects of andrology.
The Mayo Clinic Men's Health faculty performs the following:
Simple and complex penile implant surgery (>250/year)
Peyronie’s Disease treatment (including incision and grafting)
High volume of penile doppler, xiaflex and in-office andrology procedures (circumcision, epididymectomy, hydrocelectomy, spermatocelectomy)
In-office vasectomy reversal included vasoedpididymostomy (>75/year)
BPH surgery including Rezum and bipolar enucleation (>300/year)
Microsurgical varicocelectomy, microTESE, TESE (50/year)
More than 1,000 men’s health procedures per year
All fellows will complete a one-week hands-on microsurgery course at Mayo Clinic. It is expected that fellows will participate in clinical research and present at regional and/or national meetings. Funding adn trip days are provided by the institution for attendance at academic meetings. Fellows are not required to take call, and are allowed to moonlight.
Research Focus
To facilitate research endeavors, you are granted access to pre-existing databases for penile implants, Peyronie’s Disease and infertility. In addition, faculty members have several active databases and studies.
Office Procedures Performed
Duplex Doppler Ultrasound
Intracavernosal Injections
Intralesional Injections
Penile Deformity Assessment
Surgical Procedures Performed
Penile Implant Insertion and Revision Surgery
Penile Plication
Penile Incision and Grafting
Penile Extratunical Grafting
Mini-jupette sling insertion
Microsurgical varicocelectomy
Fine-needle vasography
Micro TESE
Transurethral resectional of ejactulatory ducts
Bipolar enucleation of the prostate
Endoscopic urethroplasty using buccal graft
Primary Institution
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Fellowship Director
Tobias S. Kohler, MD, MPH
Sevann Helo, MD
Education Coordinator
Kimberly Rinehart
Candidate Citizenship Requirement
US and Canada
Numbers of Fellows per Year
Fellowship Duration
12 months
Type of Fellowship
Sexual and Reproductive Medicine
Research Available
Clinical research
Conference Schedule
Interview Schedule
Interviews available at any time to interested applicants.
Fellowship Website
Fellowship Application
Current Fellows
Daniel Lybbert, MD; DHR Health Urology, McAllen, TX
Javier Piraino, DO; Private Practice, Charlotte, NC
Prior Fellows
Eileen Byrne, MD, 2022-2023; Private Practice, San Diego, CA
Engy Habashy, MD, 2021-2022; Columbus VA, Columbus, OH
David Yang, MD, 2020-2021; Mayo Clinic, Mankato, MN
Matthew Houlihan, 2019-2020; Private Practice, Rockford, IL