
The SMSNA supports the collection of data by vetting and approving survey instruments on a variety of topics related to sexual medicine. Surveys are vetted by the the SMSNA, which uses the criteria established by the Journal of Sexual Medicine for evaluating the content and the instrument itself.
Any abstract based on the results of the approved survey must be submitted to the SMSNA Annual Fall Scientific Meeting. 
Any manuscript citing SMSNA or submitted for publication by an SMSNA entity (e.g. SMSNA Committee or working group) is required to submit to an ISSM affiliated journal prior to submission to any other journal.  If the material is not accepted by the ISSM affiliated journal it may be submitted to a non-ISSM affiliated journal.

Active Surveys

There are no active surveys at this time.


SMSNA Survey Dissemination

The option to disseminate a survey is a benefit of SMSNA membership. If you are a member of SMSNA, below are the guidelines for initiating a request and the process by which a survey is vetted and approved. This process is meant to facilitate fair and objective handling of all requests. Please allow up to 2-weeks for consideration.

If you are a nonprofit or an industry representative and want to disseminate a survey, please contact the SMSNA Executive Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. 

Process: Any survey proposed for dissemination to the SMSNA membership, including those surveys developed by Committees on behalf of the SMSNA, will requires the following:

  • Submission of a request (see link to the request form below)
  • Review and approval decision by the Educational Projects Committee
  • If the committee suggests revisions, these will need to be addressed prior to dissemination
  • If survey dissemination time frame exceeds 3-months, full Board approval is required
  • Acknowledgement that the results of a survey may not be recognized as a response on behalf of the Association on any specific topic


  • Active surveys will be listed on a dedicated webpage on including the survey title, description,  target population to take the survey, and collection dates.
  • Each approved survey will be promoted via SMSNA emailings and on social media (two times each) with a link to the survey webpage on Surveys will not be distributed via any dedicated email. 


  • There is no cost for SMSNA members. 

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